lately, i have mostly dedicated myself to the confusing and lacerating exercise of writing things such as resumes, motivational letters and applications.

here’s a lightheaded attempt at a “real” resume of skills that i haven’t yet figured out how to put through the cookie cutter.
- patterns. i’m good at finding them. not in a trained-with-logic-puzzles way, not in a mathematician’s way (unfortunately). the upside is that the pattern can be made of anything, really. behaviours, language, objects. with enough motivation and enough naps, i’ll make sense of it.
- writing. i’m good at editing text to achieve precise objectives. i can also write a lot in a short amount of time, with enough motivation and enough tea.
- alarm-ringing. i’m good at finding concerning needles in big haystacks. given enough time and feedback, i’m also good at calibrating my threshold for alarm in a way that is aligned to my chain of reporting.
- keeping my cool. nothing better than a crisis to make me productive. nothing better than a manufactured crisis to make me lose my productivity.
- taste. i have dedicated a frankly ridiculous amount of time to the arts, and i plan on continuing to do so for the foreseeable future. as a result i have a very strong sense of aesthetic preference.
- fun. i love a good challenge. i am extremely polite and nonconfrontational but also competitive. i will want to get it right, and i will want to get it right together with a good team. i also make a lot of stupid puns when i’m comfortable, and with people my age i tend to speak in memes.
- edge. one of my favourite feelings is feeling sharp. given a lot of sleep and an interesting problem, my ideal solution is to work on it extremely intensely for very few hours and then sleep. a lot. rinse and repeat if necessary. the upside is that for those few hours i’ll be, well, really really sharp.
- risk. i am a bit bolder than my milquetoast personal style would indicate. i am good at calculating risk and i am also quite good at accepting it.
- vibes. i do not always have hunches, but when i do, i have never been wrong. while in a professional capacity i know hunches need backing up, i have learnt to trust them if i’m the only one involved.
- shutting up. i will not be commenting on things i do not know (enough) about. i also will not be commenting on things i know about that are not public knowledge.
- people. given free range, i will find the charmers and engage in a battle of wits. mileage may vary. it’s how i got one of my best friends, but it can also turn annoying or inappropriate. buyers beware.
- boredom. before infinite scrolling feeds (which i’ve mostly ditched anyways), i used to make a sport out of thinking. i think of boredom as the real-life antimeme (in the qntm sense) signal. thus, i actively try to investigate boring topics. most times, they are naturally boring, which makes them underresearched. sometimes, they are made boring on purpose, to ensure they are underresearched.
- communication. as time goes on, i have come to understand this as the antidote to the previous point. sometimes people really need to care about something really boring, which means communication gets extra important. also, i have a knack for interdisciplinary cooperation, especially re: cyber.
- spatial reasoning. close your eyes. picture a cow, in as much detail as you can. what colours is she? is she ruminating? does she have a little cowbell? good. now spin the cow. you pick the speed and you pick the axis. that’s good fun!
- languages. i am in fact really good at learning them. give me a grammar base and sufficient immersion and i’m gonna get there quick.
- adaptability. i get used to things really quickly. for instance, i will refer to wherever my bed/respawn point is located as “home”, no matter how long i plan on staying there. for another instance, i am quick to insert myself in the workflow of a new team.
there we go. now back to writing.