Category: certified banger
on china
this paper was written as a final for the ucl course “law and governance in contemporary china” this is one of those cases where i sat down, jotted down an outline, then filled it in in order, building my bibliography bit by bit, a clean kill (procedurally, also i mean it in the fictional media…
unlimited war on the idea of limited war
hello folks. i’m very tired. please find below a 5000-word max final paper for a course on war and peace in the history of political thought. bit of a different one! something something introductory chapter of my thesis something. click here to see how it got evaluated. unlimited war on the idea of limited war…
this morning I discovered tableau gives out free full-featured product keys to university students ( I have been looking for data analysis and data visualisation tools ever since getting VIP access at the greynoise event in London. exciting times ahead. [this is a long one, expect to take a detour or three.] a new map…
kerch strait case, itlos
this is an analysis paper I wrote at the beginning of 2022, as part of a Sant’Anna course on the obligation to solve disputes through peaceful means in international law. this is to say: I was under no obligation to focus on this (very) specific tribunal, procedure, or case. I picked this topic in mid-January…