hello world

a brief explainer for this little project of mine.

after the recent developments at twitter dot com, I decided to keep my profile there private and dedicated to shitposting, and move any future attempts at serious reflection on to here.

this is what I do:

  • china
    • jurisdiction (maritime & cyberspace)
    • international relations
    • tech law & developments
  • cyber
    • cybersecurity
    • cyberwarfare
  • ethics
    • ethics of public administrations
    • ethics of security
  • international law (& cyber)
    • public international law
    • law of armed conflict
    • law of the sea
  • standards
    • cybersecurity standards
    • standardisation practices and procedures
    • standards and international relations

I am well aware that most of these categories, at this level of abstraction, have little to no meaning. this, however, is a property of all categories, and if I were able to succintly define any of the above, I would be tenured, and not starting up a blog.

my goal is to track my thoughts and reflections as I read literature and embark on (hopefully interesting) research ventures. hopefully this will result in a well-organised collection of ideas and references.




