Tag: admin

  • updates – feb 24

    i’m finally on holiday!* *mostly taking a break from most stuff for a little bit but i have a couple exciting things lined up except from that i’m just chilling with my partner for a bit. very v e r y happy about that. anddd yeah getting a diploma or whatever. see ya losers

  • changes galore

    I’m back in the uk! I’m now attending ucl! I started going to the gym! hooray! expected future posts: personal life also going great after a bit of a slump. overall cool times ahead

  • new year’s resolutions

    I’m getting back into self-directed research. this might sound surprising, but it’s actually pretty standard for me: I always end up feeling extra motivated when I’m supposed to be relaxing. so, in a way, every august is my research new year’s eve – and that, of course, includes resolutions. resolutions for the final year of…

  • next steps – research

    public commitment, the best cure for procrastination! here’s some stuff I plan on doing, will update if the wind changes direction

  • early summer updates

    haven’t posted anything in a while, so – here are some updates. other stuff: aight guess that’s it. bye folks

  • hello world

    a brief explainer for this little project of mine. after the recent developments at twitter dot com, I decided to keep my profile there private and dedicated to shitposting, and move any future attempts at serious reflection on to here. this is what I do: I am well aware that most of these categories, at…