the early 2024 post

hello. i gave the good ole website a fresh coat of paint, to go with a couple new projects (i’m trying a couple of new things this year in time management).

i’m going to turn in three more pieces of writing very soon, concluding my semester at ucl. i will publish them alongside (maybe?) a recap of my time there.

i’m then going to prepare two exams in florence, one of them a paper (you know the drill – will be up here), the other unfortunately oral. i might then take two more, but I’m not sure about that.

i will then turn in three applications for things i’d like to do this year. one should work, the other one i think i have a fair shot at, and the third is kind of a reach.

and then i’ll take a break.

i’m currently working somewhere between “a lot” and “too much”. such is life!



