Author: anna

  • volt typhoon

    hello folks, I said a few things for an article: Chinese hackers want to wreak ‘disruption and destruction’ on US critical infrastructure

  • pegasus at war

    a really interesting story broke today – researchers say they found spyware used in war for the first time, and that spyware, surprising no one, is pegasus. yikes. I gave a brief comment on espionage under IHL:

  • tableau

    this morning I discovered tableau gives out free full-featured product keys to university students ( I have been looking for data analysis and data visualisation tools ever since getting VIP access at the greynoise event in London. exciting times ahead. [this is a long one, expect to take a detour or three.] a new map…

  • bits on cables

    a brief update: I was quoted on a piece by Kieren McCarthy for the Telegraph – on cables, what else? There is another good reason to keep the temperature down when it comes to submarine cables: they are uniquely vulnerable, particularly given their importance to global communication. Anna Pagnacco is an academic who has studied…

  • it army (ep 0)

    from the beginning of the [latest phase of the] ru-ua war, it seemed clear to me that the it army of ukraine constituted a fascinating phenomenon, sitting at the intersection of a few very hot topics: and more. of course, as of publishing this, the issue is still developing, and a lot of very good…

  • greynoise vip

    here’s the short and sweet of me getting access to a trove of cool data I’m definitely going to use for something. (don’t ask me what, I don’t know yet). intro on april 13th, I was looking for data for a work-related thing when I remembered greynoise existed. hadn’t checked them out in a while,…

  • kerch strait case, itlos

    this is an analysis paper I wrote at the beginning of 2022, as part of a Sant’Anna course on the obligation to solve disputes through peaceful means in international law. this is to say: I was under no obligation to focus on this (very) specific tribunal, procedure, or case. I picked this topic in mid-January…

  • hello world

    a brief explainer for this little project of mine. after the recent developments at twitter dot com, I decided to keep my profile there private and dedicated to shitposting, and move any future attempts at serious reflection on to here. this is what I do: I am well aware that most of these categories, at…