Author: anna
the “real” resume
lately, i have mostly dedicated myself to the confusing and lacerating exercise of writing things such as resumes, motivational letters and applications. anyways. here’s a lightheaded attempt at a “real” resume of skills that i haven’t yet figured out how to put through the cookie cutter. there we go. now back to writing.
thesis meme update
it’s the forever question: can you put memes in a thesis (that is not about memes)?
updates – december 24
it’s been a while! ngl i’m starting to feel like this is a bit much but that was to be expected! as per usual, we rollin anyways
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thesis proposal (approved!)
hi everyone! long time no see. the job (TM) takes up a lot of time and mental energy and so does trying to make it work with everything else going on in my life. i’ll be uploading a bunch of stuff i’ve been working on on the side soon. something something being raised a woman,…
so i forgot to post a report again. rip lol 🙂
alrighty!! i’m here* with some friends** and they were looking at the website and it turns out! I forgot to post another report. * in Cambridge** they’re funny and devastatingly beautiful sooo this is the main report (The Anatomy of AI Rules: A systematic comparison of AI rules across the globe) with its little spinoffs:…
early june updates
hello folks! i am very very tired. more than usual. we roll. that is all for today.the results keep coming and we keep going – but just barely.
what is (cyber) territory?
baby don’t hurt me / don’t hurt me / no more eurghhhhh this is a shit draft bleurgh ok. let’s get real- it’s like a thousand times better than the first one. this one has a better structure, a more cohesive argument, and really, it’s not an unhinged (exclusively) vibes-based rant. here’s what else it…
habemus index
i wish i was less of a bard and more of an amanuensis monk, but every time i sit at my puter to write something that’s not immediate work, i struggle. and then inspiration hits. so here’s the index of my master’s thesis (1 of 2). on strategic persistence in cyberspace introduction 1. persistence at…
… territory [screams]
you come into my house and ask me to do a philosophy? ok! let’s throw down! v.0 [working title] is the ground too safe? a reflection on cyberspace outside the territorial nexus Why would you want to think outside the box?The box is steel, and locked, and buried deeply underground.It’s so safe here. Why…