the “real” resume
lately, i have mostly dedicated myself to the confusing and lacerating exercise of writing things such as resumes, motivational letters and applications. anyways. here’s a lightheaded attempt at a “real” resume of skills that i haven’t yet figured out how to put through the cookie cutter. there we go. now back to writing.
thesis meme update
it’s the forever question: can you put memes in a thesis (that is not about memes)?
updates – december 24
it’s been a while! ngl i’m starting to feel like this is a bit much but that was to be expected! as per usual, we rollin anyways
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thesis proposal (approved!)
hi everyone! long time no see. the job (TM) takes up a lot of time and mental energy and so does trying to make it work with everything else going on in my life. i’ll be uploading a bunch of stuff i’ve been working on on the side soon. something something being raised a woman,…
so i forgot to post a report again. rip lol 🙂
alrighty!! i’m here* with some friends** and they were looking at the website and it turns out! I forgot to post another report. * in Cambridge** they’re funny and devastatingly beautiful sooo this is the main report (The Anatomy of AI Rules: A systematic comparison of AI rules across the globe) with its little spinoffs:…
early june updates
hello folks! i am very very tired. more than usual. we roll. that is all for today.the results keep coming and we keep going – but just barely.
what is (cyber) territory?
baby don’t hurt me / don’t hurt me / no more eurghhhhh this is a shit draft bleurgh ok. let’s get real- it’s like a thousand times better than the first one. this one has a better structure, a more cohesive argument, and really, it’s not an unhinged (exclusively) vibes-based rant. here’s what else it…
habemus index
i wish i was less of a bard and more of an amanuensis monk, but every time i sit at my puter to write something that’s not immediate work, i struggle. and then inspiration hits. so here’s the index of my master’s thesis (1 of 2). on strategic persistence in cyberspace introduction 1. persistence at…
… territory [screams]
you come into my house and ask me to do a philosophy? ok! let’s throw down! v.0 [working title] is the ground too safe? a reflection on cyberspace outside the territorial nexus Why would you want to think outside the box?The box is steel, and locked, and buried deeply underground.It’s so safe here. Why…
research progress tracker
masters thesis #1 @ unifi this work will focus on persistence in cyberspace, bringing it from a technical/tactical view up to a strategic one. masters thesis #2 @ sssup this work will focus on the role played by international technical standardisation fora in shaping cyberspace, conceived of as a territory composed of physical infrastructure and…
more updates – mar 24
here’s what going on right now: research project 1. on standards research project 2. on infrastructure work i am a little tired. but on we go.
updates – feb 24
i’m finally on holiday!* *mostly taking a break from most stuff for a little bit but i have a couple exciting things lined up except from that i’m just chilling with my partner for a bit. very v e r y happy about that. anddd yeah getting a diploma or whatever. see ya losers
on china
this paper was written as a final for the ucl course “law and governance in contemporary china” this is one of those cases where i sat down, jotted down an outline, then filled it in in order, building my bibliography bit by bit, a clean kill (procedurally, also i mean it in the fictional media…
I FORGOT TO POST THIS – the g20 data governance dpa report
I was updating the changes galore post and adding in the various links to the things mentioned there and! i realised i forgot to post a whole ass report i contributed to that got published!!! i am so dumb. (i’m doing so much stuff!) so! the report it’s out!! it’s been out for a while!!…
three essays on the political economy of east asia (2)
for reference: here is the midterm (with evaluation). i’m feeling good about this one! Op-Ed: How Have Your States Harnessed Value-Chain Participation? Value chains: damned if you do, damned if you don’t? Two countries derive the same percentage of their economic output from the global value chain, but for one that share is twenty times…
raving reviews on a promising future paper
hey, remember my long essay about waging unlimited war on the idea of limited war? bit of an oddball that one, eh. well. my prof liked it! I’m still not sure I understand how ucl marking scales work, given the numerical grade and the comment I got (see below). but it’s a good enough comment…
the early 2024 post
hello. i gave the good ole website a fresh coat of paint, to go with a couple new projects (i’m trying a couple of new things this year in time management). i’m going to turn in three more pieces of writing very soon, concluding my semester at ucl. i will publish them alongside (maybe?) a…
the ethics book review is out
wait, misleading title the ethics book review has been out for months now unbeknownst to me because apparently there is no review process for book reviews so they just published what i first sent in ???????? http://www.eticapubblica.it/anna-pagnacco-steven-g-koven-public-sector-ethics-theory-and-applications/ it’s just been out there, chilling, since july 14th of 2023. I am far too junior a reader…
unlimited war on the idea of limited war
hello folks. i’m very tired. please find below a 5000-word max final paper for a course on war and peace in the history of political thought. bit of a different one! something something introductory chapter of my thesis something. click here to see how it got evaluated. unlimited war on the idea of limited war…
three essays on the political economy of east asia
turns out i forgot to upload the other midterm i turned in at ucl this semester – please find attached, etc etc. for reference: portfolio 1 Political Analysis: Identifying Selectorate Policy Effects Choose a historical post-war autocratic regime that existed in one of your two states. Your task is to compose a piece of policy…
the ethiopia post
this post is a little different. i’ve been on a research trip to ethiopia, and below i’ll be dumping photos (many) and observations (few). enjoy! the trip was objectively horrible. london to pisa to rome to addis ababa in a day. i love travelling and i love planes but i like them better when…
some bargaining theory
hiya. I just turned in some coursework for a course i’m taking at ucl called wars and violence. it’s a 1500 word max essay and I picked the one on bargaining theory because i like it (easy). pasting it here because hosting my academic writing is one of the og purposes of this website. disclaimer…
uk ai standards report
hello hello folks, the report is out! very happy with it + now I’ve got something to show i can conduct project evaluations (job market stonks). although i’m sure not many people will take interest in it… they should! standards are important, expect a paper on that sometime in january probably. long story short, it’s…
ucl grading scheme
provided for reference in the various assignments i will upload, for which i will also upload the feedback i receive. Interpretation of marks Any scheme used for translating marks obtained in a university in the United Kingdom to those used by colleges and universities in the United States is fraught with difficulties. The recommended U.S.…
changes galore
I’m back in the uk! I’m now attending ucl! I started going to the gym! hooray! expected future posts: personal life also going great after a bit of a slump. overall cool times ahead
new year’s resolutions
I’m getting back into self-directed research. this might sound surprising, but it’s actually pretty standard for me: I always end up feeling extra motivated when I’m supposed to be relaxing. so, in a way, every august is my research new year’s eve – and that, of course, includes resolutions. resolutions for the final year of…
next steps – research
public commitment, the best cure for procrastination! here’s some stuff I plan on doing, will update if the wind changes direction
italian digital policy
here’s item three from early summer updates: https://digitalpolicyalert.org/digest/dpa-digital-digest-italy my main conclusion is that italy would benefit from better institutional websites. i’ll try to make sure the little grey men know
early summer updates
haven’t posted anything in a while, so – here are some updates. other stuff: aight guess that’s it. bye folks
volt typhoon
hello folks, I said a few things for an article: Chinese hackers want to wreak ‘disruption and destruction’ on US critical infrastructure
pegasus at war
a really interesting story broke today –Â researchers say they found spyware used in war for the first time, and that spyware, surprising no one, is pegasus. yikes. I gave a brief comment on espionage under IHL:
this morning I discovered tableau gives out free full-featured product keys to university students (https://www.tableau.com/university-students). I have been looking for data analysis and data visualisation tools ever since getting VIP access at the greynoise event in London. exciting times ahead. [this is a long one, expect to take a detour or three.] a new map…
bits on cables
a brief update: I was quoted on a piece by Kieren McCarthy for the Telegraph – on cables, what else? There is another good reason to keep the temperature down when it comes to submarine cables: they are uniquely vulnerable, particularly given their importance to global communication. Anna Pagnacco is an academic who has studied…
it army (ep 0)
from the beginning of the [latest phase of the] ru-ua war, it seemed clear to me that the it army of ukraine constituted a fascinating phenomenon, sitting at the intersection of a few very hot topics: and more. of course, as of publishing this, the issue is still developing, and a lot of very good…
greynoise vip
here’s the short and sweet of me getting access to a trove of cool data I’m definitely going to use for something. (don’t ask me what, I don’t know yet). intro on april 13th, I was looking for data for a work-related thing when I remembered greynoise existed. hadn’t checked them out in a while,…
kerch strait case, itlos
this is an analysis paper I wrote at the beginning of 2022, as part of a Sant’Anna course on the obligation to solve disputes through peaceful means in international law. this is to say: I was under no obligation to focus on this (very) specific tribunal, procedure, or case. I picked this topic in mid-January…
hello world
a brief explainer for this little project of mine. after the recent developments at twitter dot com, I decided to keep my profile there private and dedicated to shitposting, and move any future attempts at serious reflection on to here. this is what I do: I am well aware that most of these categories, at…